1. pearly
  2. composite
  3. dog milk
  4. forced hand
  5. theme from rock island
  6. bread
  7. color code
  8. swimmer
  9. heavy lifting
  10. 20664
  11. (didn't what you want) happen

this... may be the strangest song on the album. did i
already say that earlier? well if i did, the award goes to
this song. the main instrument is some kind of weird
midi-sounding horn, and the song as a whole is quite
slow in comparison to the rest of the songs. the lyrics
have an ominous, psychedelic type feel to them
("they'll bend your eyes 'til all you can see is the
sunshine..."). also, it seemed to be my partner's
favorite song when i made them listen to the album so
it gets two awards

i have no videos of this one! if you find any, send em
my way

done for you
open plan offices
look over my shoulder
chew on my hair

’til you become part of the scene
cause i only believe what i can see
so i’ve been training me to sleep
with the lights on

one of us
slow decay
mixed bag of tricks

don’t look down
they’ll bend your eyes ’til all you can see is the sunshine
they’ll bend your eyes ’til all you can see is the sunshine

but all i see is on the ground
and all i do is make believe
you’re mine