1. pearly
  2. composite
  3. dog milk
  4. forced hand
  5. theme from rock island
  6. bread
  7. color code
  8. swimmer
  9. heavy lifting
  10. 20664
  11. (didn't what you want) happen

composite is the first song on the album to
be sung by kasra kurt, palm's other
vocalist/guitarist. everyone says it, and i
hate comparisons, but... kurt really does
have a strong amount of brian wilson in
his voice, and it really shows through on
this song in specific.
composite is a repeatedly shifting track,
playing on alternations of the same riff
throughout the song's duration. and it's
probably the most well-known song from
rock island!

here's the band playing composite live at
the audiotree music festival in 2018

and here's them playing the song live
during their kexp performance
(i highly
recommend watching the full video)!

as if to say you’re taken
turns forever cause we’re out of phase
so i’ve been harvesting the anxious thoughts of creatures you erase

god only sees it from both sides
take a chance to clean his foggy eyes
cause i won’t seize up with a smile
fake a nap to breathe in for a while

you only like me in my most peculiar state on saturdays
but i can harvest all the soft delusions central to your game
god only sees it from both sides
take a chance to clean his foggy eyes
cause i won’t seize up with a smile
fake a nap to breathe in for a while

up against the downfall
flip the sordid shapes that will not go
one hand on the apple
one hand between the skin and the bone

we’ve got all the right words
you’ve got everything you need in tow
tugging on the gaffer
blame it on the ones we used to know

my foe and i
believe in the whole
keeping in mind
what lives down below

as if to say i’m sorry
let me put the pieces back in place
and i will harvest all the anxious thoughts of creatures you deface

you want to know what i
could only ever hide
it’s only in your mind

behind your foggy eyes