palm - rock island (2018)

palm's rock island is a really playful dog that teaches itself new tricks all the time

it's a little colorful beast of an album. like, palm even makes math rock fun on it! the band has an extremely defined and unique sense of rhythm to their music, but yet never feels stale throughout. they keep it interesting with unusual sound choices (but somehow it's all guitars... it's crazy what people will make those poor guitars do) and two separate vocalists (who sound oddly similar to each other at points)

← the band. they seem nice don't they

all of the band lack "formal training on their respective instruments," which both makes sense and doesn't at the same time. on one hand, there are some extremely bizarre choices in playing, even for math rock. but the tightness and sheer skill of their playing makes you think that they've been playing these instruments since the day they were born

enough about the band, or the album, or any of that junk... onto the songs!
